

10 months!!!  10 months!??!!  How am I already planning this kids first birthday? But happy 10 months my gorgeous girl!! This past month has had some BIG milestones!  At 9 1/2 weeks to the day Fin took her first solo steps!!  I was on the phone with Jeremy and she took 4 steps towards me.  It was one of the most exciting moments so far.  Then the next day she climbed the entire stairwell.  (Don't worry mama was right behind her).  This girl will not be slowed down!  And every day since the walking has been increasing and the crawling is decreasing.  It is absolutely surreal to have this little human toddling around but it is so much fun to watch. 

Fin is weighing in at around 20.8lbs and seems to be getting more muscles everyday lol! Her hair is also FINALLY long enough to put into a pony tail and shes looking more like a kid than ever before.  Her favorite foods include tacos, avocado, scrambled eggs, and blueberries.  She is ALL over the place and has discovered the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and also likes to try to open the oven (lord help me).  She continues to enjoy playing in the dog's water dishes and her favorite game is to put blankets in the water then starts flinging the wet blankets all over the kitchen.  And we do this game every. single. day.  She loves her puppies more than ever and I think they have really been enjoying all of the food she now shares with them during her meals. ;)

Overall this month has been a really exciting one and Fin is definitely not a baby anymore.  As much as it breaks my heart to see her becoming a little kid it really is incredible to watch.  Her personality is truly shining and I cannot wait to see the sass that this next month brings.  Pictures are getting harder to take but thankfully the smiles are still off the charts.  Here are some of my favorite images from this month!


9 months already baby girl!  I am still in shock that you are mine and every single month you become more and more adventurous and amazing.  Always keeping us on our toes and certainly becoming the mini version of both Jeremy and I!  This month has gone by the quickest so far and I have a feeling that is only going to continue with each month.  This crazy girl is nonstop from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed.  This month Fin has really started to get brave as she cruises the furniture at lighting speed giving me a heart attack every time she reaches a little too far on the damn coffee table!  She is balancing and standing ALL the time and when I put her down she will no longer sit but stand instead.  She is walking great when we hold her hands or when pushing her cart so maybe walking on her own is just around the corner.  Jeremy saw her take one step then put her hands down so I think the confidence is getting there.  We were brave and tried peanut butter and a few more exotic foods and she seems to really like them all.  We also swear we heard her say doggy this past week!! She weighs a little over 20lbs but will get her exact weight and height today!  She also has a second tooth that is starting to break through the gum but is certainly taking its time ;)  Her favorite toys are, oh wait who needs toys!?  Fin's favorite things include the tv remotes, coasters, packages of baby wipes, finding little pieces of paper, grabbing for her puppies, and of course trying to teeth on our cell phones.  HAH!

This month was also a big one for us as a family, as we ventured to the OBX for our first family vacay!  The drive down was a nightmare with barking dogs and a teething baby but we made it and had the most incredible time.  Fin fits right into our beachy family and absolutely LOVED it!!  She was a little apprehensive at first but by the second day she was ALL about the sand!  We took A TON of photos and even got our own family portraits done.  She didn't love her bath this time and kept trying to get out BUT we got what we needed. ;) Everything about this month was amazing!  I cannot wait to see what the next 3 months bring us!  Here are my favorite photos from the month!! Happy 9 months you wild girl we love you!!


This little beauty turned one last fall and her cake smash was AMAZING!!  Nothing better than a winter wonderland theme!! I had a blast capturing this sweet girl for her newborn, 6 month, and now her one year milestones!!  Vivienne is so full of personality and we had so much fun watching her destroy her cake!!  Here are my favorites :)


Little beauty what a month it has been!  You have taken crawling and climbing on everything to a whole new level. No surface on this main floor of the house has gone unexplored!  Fin is pushing her push cart like a pro, practicing balancing and standing without holding onto anything, and cruising the furniture has begun.  She is also saying dada, mama, and bahbah!  Yes dada was first, but mama wasn't toooooo far behind :).  Her personality is REALLY coming out and her curiosity and determination are like nothing I have ever seen.  I love it but it's also a little terrifying! HAH! This month we had a lot of outdoor hikes, playing on the water table, cut our first tooth, and are experimenting more with new foods! Brave mommy finally gave her eggs!! This month our goal is peanuts! AHH!  We also broke out the finger paints and let her go wild for earth day!  Finley you truly are a remarkably kid and your daddy and I love you more than anything.  I cannot believe you are already 8 months old!  I love and hate how fast time is going because I love seeing you learn and explore but sad when you wake up and look more grown up than when I put you to bed. You are the greatest thing this life has given your daddy and I and we love you so incredibly much.  I hope you never lose your wild spirit and that hunger to learn!  I know one day you will conquer the world.  Happy 8 months my little love <3!!


Meet gorgeous baby Evelyn!!!  I have absolutely loved watching this little beauty grow over the last year!  She was amazing as a newborn and at her 6 month session and kept the tradition alive for an amazing cake smash!!  Isn't she just a doll?  Here are my favorites!


I had so much fun capturing this little guy's first year! The year was full of smiles and laughs and LOTS of Lucas cuddles!  He is so loved by his incredible mom and dad and I cannot wait to see how he transitions into a big brother.  This kiddo is such a character and I cannot wait to see him again! We celebrated his first birthday this past summer with this EPIC cake smash!!   Here are my favorites!


Happy 7 months Finley!  Every month is going faster and this past month was NUTS! Finley has begun crawling with a vengeance and is EVERYWHERE and climbing on EVERYTHING!  We have baby proofed as best as we can but she somehow still finds the one thing we missed.  This month has been a whole lot of chasing and finding ways to block off the coffee table and yet she gets past our obstacles lol!  This kid is one determined lady!  She also has started to walk 5-6 steps at a time with her walker and walk along the crib rails.  I have a feeling this month things are just going to get even more exciting!  We didn't capture as many photos this month because she is getting way harder to catch!  Her milk bath was also one of the toughest we've shot so far.  Probably photographer's error as I somehow was unable to get the tub drain to seal and we were losing water the whole shoot lol!  The whole bath lasted about 11 minutes before the water was way too low.  BUT we got some great stuff and Fin was in rare form ;) Here are some of the photos we captured this month!!


Meet Grayson!!  I LOVE this little guy!! He is on the baby's first year package with me and is growing way too quickly!  We are already in the works of planning his cake smash and I cannot even believe it is right around the corner.  Grayson has been so much fun to photograph and even at 3 months has been so full of personality!  I mean look at those cheeks and that model smirk!  Here are a few of my favs!


OH JACK!!  I love this kid!!!  He graduated from his milestone package last summer!  I absolutely LOVE being able to capture milestones of my newborns and so bittersweet when they turn one!  I adore this family so much and have felt so honored to capture their baby journey from maternity all the way to Jack's one year session!  He was just a teeny little nugget at his newborn session and is now the most handsome little dude! Check out his one year/cake smash!!


How has half of a year already go by since Finley officially made her debut?!  HALF A YEAR!?!  The last 6 months have been the fastest of my life.  I am still in awe everyday that I am a mommy and that I have a beautiful perfect baby girl.  This last month has been a big one for her and she has officially hit wild one status!  She has decided on a new bedtime routine and is officially sleeping from 630-630 and then is up and ready to party.  She is sitting up like a champ and I no longer feel the need to sit behind her just in case.  She FINALLY loves tummy time and is either sitting up or on her tummy which is GREAT!  Fin is already on the move with her army crawl and pushing up onto all 4's then will tuck her legs and sit up!  She still cannot figure out moving her arms with her legs and resorts to the army crawl but i think she will get it any day!  She is also starting to climb! AHH!  The other day she tried to climb out of the pack and play and her excersaucer so the baby proofing has started full force.  Another HUGE milestone this month was that we went underwater at the pool!!  TWICE!  And she didnt cry at all! Her eyes were huge and I think she may have been a little spooked at first but I think we definitely had success.  She loves the water and we gave her her first big girl tubby and she was in heaven!!  Even got some ADORABLE pics! :) 

Her favorite toys are anything that makes noise and lights up but especially her baby piano and aquarium.  She also LOVES her doggies.  She is always trying to grab/pet them and is also constantly grabbing faces.  Look out for her talons as we call them because no matter how much I cut them those little nails are SHARP!  Overall this month has been incredible!  Fin is still SUPER happy all the time and is really just a character.  This month we did A TON of photos and I am in love with every single one of them!  We ended up having to do her milk bath 2 times because all she wanted to do was destroy the flowers lol!!  We finally did one of her solo!  Below are my favorites!  There are a lot :)