7month session


Happy 7 months Finley!  Every month is going faster and this past month was NUTS! Finley has begun crawling with a vengeance and is EVERYWHERE and climbing on EVERYTHING!  We have baby proofed as best as we can but she somehow still finds the one thing we missed.  This month has been a whole lot of chasing and finding ways to block off the coffee table and yet she gets past our obstacles lol!  This kid is one determined lady!  She also has started to walk 5-6 steps at a time with her walker and walk along the crib rails.  I have a feeling this month things are just going to get even more exciting!  We didn't capture as many photos this month because she is getting way harder to catch!  Her milk bath was also one of the toughest we've shot so far.  Probably photographer's error as I somehow was unable to get the tub drain to seal and we were losing water the whole shoot lol!  The whole bath lasted about 11 minutes before the water was way too low.  BUT we got some great stuff and Fin was in rare form ;) Here are some of the photos we captured this month!!