

Three!? This kid is three!?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful little girl. This birthday has certainly hit me the hardest because I no longer see as much resemblance of the chunky little baby I met for the first time 3 years ago. This past year has been one of ups and downs for our family but through it all the constant beacon of hope and happiness has been Finley. This little girl is truly the sweetest kid and has such a pure and gentle soul. Somehow when things in the world don’t seem to make much sense she smiles and everything else fades away. I am the luckiest mama in the entire universe and I know her daddy feels the same about being her dad.

This year has been full of firsts for every family and with both of us working from home we have seen so much growth in every aspect of Fin’s personality and her interests. Everyone always says that things change so much that first year but never mention much about the following years. That is very true, but this year I have seen change and growth that has been night and day and it has been so exciting. While this year has been the most challenging, I think it also has become my favorite in that we have been able to watch her come into her own and learn something new everyday. Her independence and feisty spirit and her eagerness to be in the action as much as possible is truly awesome. I will never forget the first unprompted “I love you” or the first full movie we watched together snuggled up and cozy on the couch. I am thankful for a smooth potty training journey and transition to her big kid bed, and for finally being able to take a shower while she plays independently in her room. While she may have totally ditched her naps, we did get to take our first girls trip and spent a lot of fantastic nights in hotels and survived our longest road trip like a champ. I have also loved that while I see her every single second since birth, her daddy has also been able to witness the day to day growing up and am thankful that having both parents home has made vocab sky rocket. They call it threenager for a reason hahah!! Because this girl is a chatty one like her mommy! ;) But most of all this year has brought us both a mutual love for gardening and have spent hundreds of hours outside in the dirt planting and caring for our little plant babies and watching them grow together. I think our gardening hobby has really been my favorite part of this year. It has helped me heal and grieve the family we had once planned for and embrace the unbreakable bond that has developed between this little girl and I.

This year for photos I really tried to do them a few months early JUST in case I ran out of time. They were everything I had hoped for and some of my faves. BUT then she grew and started to look different and I was back to square one haha!! I am so lucky to have an amazing friend with a GORGEOUS garden who let us wander around and capture Fin in her element. I managed to capture both her tomboy side as well as her in a frilly dress. :) There is so much left to edit but hey who has time these days :) Thanks for following along this year! Happy Birthday Finley we love you!!

National Infertility Awareness Week 2020

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week! It is a week really speaks to my heart. This week gives those affected by infertility a valid reason to share their story and use their voice to support others and help them not feel so alone. Building a family is not always easy and this week celebrates the courage of those who face this battle everyday.

Last year I vividly remember my blog post about this topic and felt like it was full of hope and full of optimism for our future children. I was just a month away from starting my second FET where we were transferring 2 embryos. This was what we had planned to be our last try and our hail mary. I felt so confident and sure that this was it. Our first fail had to have been just one of those things that timing was off and I knew that everything would be ok this time. The entire 2 week wait I was so certain we had had success. But when that beta blood test came back negative I was devastated. We both were. I lost hope and i completely lost the ability to keep being positive about our family building. I was so incredibly sad and didnt feel hopeful anymore. And through the years we have dealt with this I had never felt this way before. I am a newborn photographer and celebrate this kind of joy with clients every day and yet for the first time in my life that was a very real struggle. But it was a struggle in a different kind of way. I just felt blank and detached from the normal excitement I feel and I really focused on creating new setups and new ways to be creative to try and rekindle that joy. It wasn’t completely gone but I really had to fight to stay motivated and I really kind of shut down emotionally. I was fortunate to have found a great counselor who specialized in infertility who helped pull me out of the severe depression I was suffering.

Four months later we had our final try and transferred our final embryo. I truly don’t know how I felt about everything. Our June fail left me empty and put me down a road filled with anxiety and anger and hurt that I am still recovering from. Therapy absolutely helped but it wasn’t totally gone. The anxiety and fear of this not working was overwhelming. I was hoping for the best but really couldn’t picture either scenario, I really felt numb to the entire experience because I was terrified. I stayed as hopeful as I could but I was going into this still so heartbroken. I was tired of the shots and the hormones and I was overall exhausted with this process. This 2 week wait was different than all others yet looking back now, deep down inside I think I knew in June that Finley was our one and only. She was too much of a miracle and so incredibly special that maybe just maybe all of the strongest genes went to our one perfect baby. And when that final test came back negative I felt broken and so unsettled. This enormous chapter for us was now over.

I read an article the other night about how desperately we all want an answer or a scientific explanation for why certain fertility treatments don’t work when all of the science points to success. This is the painful truth that I and many other families struggle with. The why. Why did ivf work on the first try for us and fail 3 more times? My body loved being pregnant so what did I do wrong? What did we do wrong? Why did i have to experience the loss of 4 embryos after a success. Why did I have to have 4 more in the first place to experience the loss of them? Why did we have to spend all of that time and money and the physical sacrifice to be left heartbroken? These questions have been on repeat in my mind for months and I will most likely never know the answer. And living with that sucks. It is perhaps the most frustrating and maddening part of infertility. I can live with the physical pain, but that emotional longing and roller coaster of hope then loss is excruciating.

After our final transfer I went immediately into the busiest season in my year and I didn’t once stop to grieve or think about how I felt about everything. I thought I was grieving but I really just tucked it away and pretended like I was fine. Because how do you move forward? There are so many resources out there for people who choose to live child free, or choose adoption, or finally have success with a baby. But there isn’t much about how to cope with that loss after a success. And navigating life after infertility is painful. There are leftover feelings about that journey that don’t just evaporate. Losing that dream feels like you’ve worked your entire life to accomplish this one thing that you have invested your soul into and you wake up the next day and poof! That dream is gone and there is absolutely no reason and no recourse it’s just over. No closure, no reasoning, and life goes back to normal but you are not the same. Nothing about you will ever be the same. Because this is a defining moment in your life and only you can choose how to move forward. And what does moving forward look like?

For me, it has now been 6 months since we got that negative result. And in those 6 months it has been a daily struggle. I have had to grieve the loss of a lot things. The loss of my embryos, the loss of my dream for a bigger family, of a sibling for Finley, and the loss of being able to experience the magic of another pregnancy. I have also had to rethink what our future looks like. A life with one child is going to look very different than if we had another kiddo. I have also had to try and make peace with not knowing why we weren’t meant for another baby. I can be fine for weeks and then the stupidest thing will knock me to my knees in tears. Moving forward is scary and it’s tricky. It wasn’t until being quarantined that I really was able to FINALLY give myself time to grieve these loses and work through some of those emotions. Having a wild toddler running around certainly helps a lot but it is hard knowing she wont have a brother or sister to terrorize.

I think the most important thing I have learned going through this is that it is okay to be angry. It is okay to feel like you got robbed of life’s most precious gifts. Because I know I won’t always feel this way and I dont’t feel this way all the time. But when I do, I sit with it and then try to let it go. Letting go is the most important and yet the hardest part. A friend recommended I write a letter to each of my embryos to say goodbye and that was the best piece of advice I have ever gotten. And talk about your feelings. With a friend, your spouse, a therapist, whoever you feel comfortable with. You are allowed to talk about your pain, it’s your pain and no one has the right to make you feel like it’s not ok to hurt or to cry. And even if you have had success it’s still ok to feel devastated if you cannot build your family further. For me I felt guilty because I do have a perfect kid. BUT that doesn’t mean I cannot feel sad. I have had to learn that not every story has a happy ending and it’s not fair. Sometimes things don’t work out the way we dreamt. And it’s not okay, but I pray that one day it will feel ok.

No matter where you are in your family building journey just know you aren’t alone. And trust and pray that one day, maybe not tomorrow, or a month from now, or a year from now, but one day that hole in your heart will be filled. And most importantly celebrate getting through this messy battle. Infertility can make or break you and your marriage and getting through it is HUGE and should be celebrated. For us it made us stronger, love harder, and appreciate each others strengths even more. And each day we appreciate the gift of our baby girl even more. And always remember you are strong and you will survive this!


It has been a VERY long time since I have been able to photograph an activity an actually edit ALL the photos and blog it all in the same day! Especially while my kiddo is awake. We were SO excited to dye eggs this year and Finley did amazing! Despite being in quarantine we are trying really hard to make things fun and exciting for her because I know she is going nuts. We have been looking forward to this for weeks because she is at the BEST age for this and cannot wait to see how elaborate the decorating gets over the years. AND out of 12 eggs we only cracked 3 in the process (one I am blaming on Jeremy HAHAHA!!) We had so much fun watching this little one dye her hands blue and create her first set of eggs <3 Here is all of our fun!!! <3 Happy Easter weekend from our family to yours!!


As I kick off this new decade I wanted to thank all of my clients who have made 2019 AMAZING!  This has been an extremely challenging year for my family and for me, personally.  It has been a year full of loss, personal development, and a lot of chapters in my life coming to a close.  But the amount of growth my business has had this year is incredible and an absolute dream come true.  

The end of January marks the start of my 7th year in business and I am still in shock at how much this profession has provided me, both personally and professionally.  When I started my business, I was fresh out of graduate school and wanted no part of the art historian career path I had invested so much time and money into.  I remember sitting in lectures listening to the stories of how people found their way into their career, and not one of them was doing what they originally set out to do.  I felt so overwhelmed by that, especially since I knew in my heart that this was not the life I wanted.  When I came home from London I had a masters degree, a ton of student loan debt, and zero clue what was ahead or where to go.  I felt like a little girl who loved taking photos and loved working with people, but I had no clue what to do with that.  I applied to so many jobs, had a handful of interviews, a few leads, but no job offers.  It was daunting and very discouraging.  Here I was with a lot of education, little experience, and even less self confidence.  I thankfully had a soon-to-be husband who believed in me, but the biggest challenge professionally was convincing someone to take a chance on me by offering me a job. When that offer never came I decided I needed to create my own opportunity. When I started this business I had no idea if I could make this dream into a career.  But I had a husband who believed in me and a serious drive to make it happen.  So I went for it. I certainly could not have imagined the potential or direction that drive and passion would have taken me.

From year one until now my business has truly transformed into something I am so proud of.  Every year I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone, tackled the balance of my day job with my side hustle, and dealt with some really significant life changing moments. By being a small business owner through all of that I have learned more about myself in those 7 years than i have in my entire life.  When I started this career path my ultimate goal was to provide income for my family while staying home with my kids.   And each year I had the opportunity to be one step closer to both of those dreams.  When I finally quit my day job in 2015 I was terrified, but because of the trust of my clients and their continual support I have not once looked back. There have been SO many tears, late nights,  and a lot of self-doubt.  BUT, at the same time, there have been light bulb moments, bursts of creativity, and some of the most extraordinary moments.  I also had the blessing of enjoying every moment of pregnancy and then being home to watch my daughter take her first steps, say her first words, and literally photograph her every single day of her life. All while pursuing my dream job.  And after a year like this one I cannot be more thankful for that gift.  

This year alone I photographed 162 sessions (42 more than last year) and met 57 new families. That is HUGE!  That means 105 of those sessions were from families who came back to see me again and that is the greatest compliment a photographer and business owner could ever hope for.  We have been through so much the last few years but this year really hit me hard and it was because of my clients being so incredibly compassionate and supportive that gave me the drive to keep on trucking.  And I cannot thank you enough.  It has been with your trust, patience, and willingness to be that person to take a chance on me and my artistic vision that has brought me to this point in my career.  I cannot thank you enough or tell you how thankful I am to have been able to capture your most important, private, and pivotal moments of your lives.  It is because of that faith in me that this year has been so successful. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Some of my favorite images of all time were captured this year and it is because of every single one of you trusting my creative vision for your session.

I am SO excited to kick off a new decade and to see what 2020 will bring.  I am in the process of revamping my pricing guide and packages and really going to be streamlining my brand.  My goal this year is to push myself even further creatively to give you more gorgeous and unique images.  I am also so excited to start implementing new things I have been learning in a business course I enrolled in this fall.  And I am excited to start making your client experience even more special!

Thank you again so much for supporting my business and for continuing to allow me to photograph your family!  I cannot wait to see you in 2020!! But first here is a recap of my favorite images from 2019! Man it was hard to narrow it down!! <3
Much love,


This week is a really special week for the Gooch house. Jeremy and I absolutely LOVE thanksgiving and actually started dating around that time (the 28th to be exact). This year we celebrate 11 years together on one of our favorite holidays. We also moved into our house 5 years ago on thanksgiving day. This house has seen a lot in those 5 years and we have shared a lot of ups and downs and some big and emotional life changes. For me personally, Thanksgiving always makes me feel hopeful and somehow rejuvenates me a little bit. We always decorate for Christmas early and both of us really try to savor the memories of our first holiday together and a lot of exciting family moments.

Thanksgiving 3 years ago we drove up to Rockville MD for my egg retrieval and were in full force of IVF. It was a really emotional time as we had just lost Jeremy’s dad a month prior and I think we were both so desperate for some sort of good news. If you know us we've had some bizarre medical mishaps that we finally had put behind us and losing his dad was an unexpected tragedy. In the span of 2 months we had experienced one of the most gut wrenching losses, followed by the most incredible miracles. Because five days later we transferred the perfect embryo and our gorgeous Finley was on her way home to us. Her embryo transfer was November 29th and a day that will forever bring the biggest smile to my face. But this year It feels a little different. Because instead of celebrating our family growing we are learning how to celebrate a new reality of us being a family of 3 (plus our little Layla pup).

Over the course of the last year we have tried so hard to build our family. And unfortunately we suffered through 3 rounds of failed cycles and losing all 4 of our remaining embryos. It has been a year of so much more pain and disappointment than I have could have ever imagined. IVF is hard to accept in general, but with each failure I felt like a little part of my soul was gone or lost. And that hope for another baby felt like it was slipping away. I was so ready for our final try and was so emotional going into it. This was it and there was really nothing else I could do, i did it all. We had just lost Oliver and I had to have hope that this last embryo was a fighter. But again, another failed pregnancy test and i felt my dreams of a bigger family come shattering down around me and I was and am devastated. There are so many complicated thoughts and feelings that constantly flood my heart and my head and this fall has been so incredibly difficult. Anyone who knows me or has worked with me knows I am not one to shy away from talking about our baby journey but this year has been a lot harder to share. After our second fail I really started to come apart and felt like I just couldn't be as available as I usually am. I became only mom, business owner, wife (sorry Jeremy) and I honestly have felt like I've been on autopilot trying to navigate these 3 roles without completely falling apart. I apologize to my friends and family who may have felt like I've gone quiet! I am still here I promise!

This year has also been by far my biggest most successful year for my business and it’s no secret I am a workaholic and this year I have worked the hardest I ever have in my life. I am sure sometimes I have over taxed myself physically but sometimes when I am grieving I try to use that hurt as a motivator to push myself into doing something meaningful. And being able to give people images of moments in their life with their family is really all that matters. The reward of this has been enormous this year and I am still in disbelief that I have hit so many goals I have had for my business.

So when I think about all these amazing anniversaries this week I don't think it was any accident that they fell on or around thanksgiving. Because I needed a reminder that everything is going to be ok. It has been a little over a month since we found out our last cycle failed I have not had one minute to breathe or grieve because I jumped head first into the busiest fall I have ever had. Some days I am ok and other days I don't want to get out of bed because I miss my dog and I miss the possibility of another baby. But this week also reminds me of how strong I am and how resilient I am. It also reminds me that I have the most incredible husband who has held me when I cannot breathe because I am crying so hard, who has found a way to make me laugh when it seems like all i do is work then cry. A man who is an unbelievable dad but also a damn good mommy when I cannot be home or I need a breather from mommying all day. This man who 11 years ago changed my life. And even now he continues to walk with me side by side through this hurricane we have gone through and makes me believe everything will be ok. While our hearts still break for the loss of our pup and the loss of our dream for another child he is here loving me when I feel like I am at my weakest.

I also am able to celebrate the most incredible little girl. Today she turns 27 months and in those 27 months she has brought Jeremy and I back to life in a way that only she could. She is a feisty, smart, and wild spirit who smiles more than anyone I have ever met. And good grief is she going to keep our lives so unbelievably full of excitement and spontaneity. As hard as this year has been for me emotionally she forces me show up and even when I want to feel sorry for myself she does something silly to snap me out of it. I think most people who struggle with infertility have a journey and an ending they didnt expect. And for me, our journey feels exhausting and frustrating to end in such a heart breaking way. But one thing I have learned through the last 7 1/2 years with this struggle in our life and it was to savor the good. I never believed my pregnancy would be the only one I had but I truly know I have captured and enjoyed every minute of that experience. So this week I am excited to hold my husband and baby girl a little closer and give our other sweet little puppy a little extra loving because they are my world and I am so lucky to have them. Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone who has followed me and supported me and my business. I am SO thankful to have met and been able to enjoy time with every single one of you and your families. Thank you thank you!! And now i am going to spam you with photos of Finley because I cannot get over how big she looks!!


I am still in shock that I am actually writing this post. How in the world is my little tiny baby girl TWO YEARS OLD!?! When I held her in my arms in those first moments I had no idea of the intensity of love and absolute joy this little girl would bring us every day. She was and is the most incredible blessing to ever come into our lives. The last 2 years have been full of more happiness and emotion than I ever thought was possible and this little human has only made me grow as a person and as a mom. This year has flown by in a blink of an eye and I think I am still processing her first birthday let alone her second. I have decided that year one is all about survival and year two is about learning how to negotiate with a toddler version of yourself about 75x a day. Some days are tougher than others as the terrible two’s are in full swing but other days are some of my absolute favorites.

This year Finley has been learning to swim and grow more and more confident in the water. She is starting her first tumbling class tomorrow and is still SOOO active. She sleeps well at night but those day time naps are getting less and less reliable which is terrifying. She has a huge sweet tooth like her daddy and is gaining the toddler pickiness when it comes to eating. But she still loves beans and eggs. THANK GOD. She has almost all her teeth except those 2nd year molars are still working on her. She finally loves reading books with us and will FINALLY sit on our laps at night while we read. She is the chattiest kid and I love when she will say something new and Jeremy and I look at each other like where did she learn that. She is fiercely independent and being her mom is really an everyday adventure.

My favorite part of every birthday is obviously reflecting on ALL of the hundreds of photos I have taken over the year. Pictures are hit or miss these days, but I do have to say the less I expect the more amazing she does and I am able to bribe her with a little chocolate or her favorite show. ;) In total I have over 931 images (not including cell phone) from this year LOL!! I know I know its insanity. But I love them all. Here is a little recap of the last 12 months! Thanks for following along :)


This Spring has been an absolute whirlwind! I am still processing my beginning of the year goals and here we are half way through 2019. Welcome to toddler mommy life and running your own business! bIt still blows my mind that we are in week 2 of June. This weekend I thankfully blocked some time off so I could catch my breathe from what has been my craziest year to date. This year has already far exceeded my expectations for 2019 and I am just so eager to see what the rest of the year has in store. However, that MUCH needed refresh was an amazing way to catch up on some personal sessions that I have been dying to edit. One being our strawberry picking day!! I honestly don't even remember when we went but we had the most gorgeous breezy and overcast day, perfect for crazy photog mom to snap some shots while picking those yummy strawberries. We got to hang out with 2 of our favorite girls and we had an absolute blast! Last year I missed strawberry season and thankfully this year my friend was on top of it otherwise I would have missed it again! I am so excited about these photos!! And I hope you love them too! <3


Jeremy and I have been vacationing to the OBX almost every year since we got married. We got married in Kitty Hawk and whenever we need to unwind and relax it really is the only place that makes sense for us. There is something about the salt air and the sound of crashing waves that really seems to rejuvenate us.

This was our second vacation as a family of 3 plus 2 pups and was by far one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. We stayed in a pet friendly VRBO right on the water and spent 4 nights. Every day we were on the beach for hours walking up and down searching for purples (smooth purple shell pieces) and sea glass which is a tradition we started before we were married. Fin LOVED hunting for shells and exploring, and was mesmerized by the surfers. She even got upset when they crashed! The most amazing part of our trip was watching Finley embrace the beach life and fall in love with it as much as Jeremy and I have over the years. Overall our trip was one of my favorite vacations and cannot wait to go back! There is so much I could share about it but I would rather share some of our photos!! Below are a TON of my favorites :) Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!


Why milk baths? Ya know, I am not exactly sure what drew me to them other than I thought they were peaceful and beautiful and I loved the way they celebrated a pregnant body.  Before I was ever pregnant I really wanted one for my own maternity photos.   We took a ton of belly photos and felt like the milk bath was very different than anything I had ever really shot and wanted to give it a try.  So I figured out what I needed and got Jeremy on board!  He shot our first part of the series when I was 36 weeks pregnant and after that I knew this was how I wanted to show Fin's growth over the next year.  It was something special that Fin and I could share and also a fun monthly family project lol ;) and at the end of the year we would have one heck of an album.  We have taken SO many amazing photos of her this year but this series has been my ultimate goal.  Each month we have racked our brains to come up with something a little different and more unique than the month before but similar enough for them to all flow.  Some worked out better than others but overall it turned out just the way I had hoped.  Each month has a different story about the fiasco of shooting it, or how Fin wanted to eat everything in the tub, or throw a fit, or even the arguments Jeremy and I had about the logistics of them.  But every single month Jeremy was right there making sure he captured exactly what I wanted. He did a phenomenal job and cannot thank him enough for the patience he gave me this year for our 700 photo shoots.  So here is one photo from each month. I kept the pose similar so you could see how much this little one has changed!  Thank you for following along with us!! <3


It is absolutely crazy that my little baby is already a year old.  It has been the wildest most rewarding adventure that is just beginning. This year has been one of major growth and change not only for me becoming a mother but also in evolving as a person.   When Finley was born I could not even begin to imagine the way she would change my life for the better but I also couldn't imagine the overwhelming feeling of peace she would bring me.  From day one she has pushed me to be more patient and to savor every single second of life.  Lord knows she has tested my patience daily and been a feisty little thing from the beginning, but she is the epitome of everything in a kid I could have hoped for.  She is spunky and full of curiosity. She is fearless and strong, and I know she is destined for greatness.   Days and some months have really been rough but we got through it.  From healing after to delivery and learning to juggle being a stay at home mom and a full time photographer Fin continues to remind me of the strength I have and the ability to tackle on anything life throws at me.  I always told Jeremy she was our good luck charm from the first time I saw that heartbeat and I know she always will be. 

This past month Fin has really become a full fledged toddler. Not wanting ANYTHING to do with photos and her walking is now more of a run/jog.  She is 22lbs of sass and even today the nurse giving her her shots commented on how weirdly strong she was LOL!  She is a little gun fighter for sure.  She is talking up a storm and I think is very eager to get into some sort of activity.  So any mamas out there with recommendations that would be awesome!  I dont want to make this post to long so I will end it with our 12 month milk bath and a recap of her 12 month pictures!  She HATED her cake smash and I made sure to include some of those ;)  Happy Birthday my little beauty!!